Psychiatry Conferences| Psychiatry Meet | index |Psychiatry and Mental health 2021 | Toronto | Canada | Conference Series LLC LTD Ltd Conferences

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Renowned Speakers

Psychiatry conference, Psychiatry workshop, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry symposium, Psychiatry congress, Psychiatry meeting, Psychiatry 2021, Euro Psychiatry 2021, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry Seminar, Psychiatry Meeting, American Psychiatry Conference, European Psychiatry Conference, Asian Psychiatry Conference

Clement Martini

University of Calgary Canada

Psychiatry conference, Psychiatry workshop, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry symposium, Psychiatry congress, Psychiatry meeting, Psychiatry 2021, Euro Psychiatry 2021, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry Seminar, Psychiatry Meeting, American Psychiatry Conference, European Psychiatry Conference, Asian Psychiatry Conference

Catherine A. Carlson

Private Practice USA

Psychiatry conference, Psychiatry workshop, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry symposium, Psychiatry congress, Psychiatry meeting, Psychiatry 2021, Euro Psychiatry 2021, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry Seminar, Psychiatry Meeting, American Psychiatry Conference, European Psychiatry Conference, Asian Psychiatry Conference

Valerie Saunders

Windsor Girls’ School UK

Psychiatry conference, Psychiatry workshop, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry symposium, Psychiatry congress, Psychiatry meeting, Psychiatry 2021, Euro Psychiatry 2021, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry Seminar, Psychiatry Meeting, American Psychiatry Conference, European Psychiatry Conference, Asian Psychiatry Conference

Siamak Samani

Islamic Azad University Iran

Psychiatry conference, Psychiatry workshop, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry symposium, Psychiatry congress, Psychiatry meeting, Psychiatry 2021, Euro Psychiatry 2021, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry Seminar, Psychiatry Meeting, American Psychiatry Conference, European Psychiatry Conference, Asian Psychiatry Conference

Nadereh Sohrabi Shekefti

Islamic Azad University Iran

Psychiatry conference, Psychiatry workshop, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry symposium, Psychiatry congress, Psychiatry meeting, Psychiatry 2021, Euro Psychiatry 2021, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry Seminar, Psychiatry Meeting, American Psychiatry Conference, European Psychiatry Conference, Asian Psychiatry Conference

Don Martin

Youngstown State University USA

Psychiatry conference, Psychiatry workshop, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry symposium, Psychiatry congress, Psychiatry meeting, Psychiatry 2021, Euro Psychiatry 2021, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry Seminar, Psychiatry Meeting, American Psychiatry Conference, European Psychiatry Conference, Asian Psychiatry Conference

George Singer

University of California USA

Psychiatry conference, Psychiatry workshop, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry symposium, Psychiatry congress, Psychiatry meeting, Psychiatry 2021, Euro Psychiatry 2021, Global Psychiatry Conference, Psychiatry Seminar, Psychiatry Meeting, American Psychiatry Conference, European Psychiatry Conference, Asian Psychiatry Conference

Luciano Giromini

University of Turin Italy

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Psychiatry 2021

Welcome message

Annual Congress on Psychiatry and Mental Health (Psychiatry 2021) is going to become a huge platform to all the Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Neurosurgeon, Neuro Researcher, Students, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists and expertise in the field of psychiatry to share and explore their views on their research and case studies with the global experts. The conference is going to be held during Febraury 15-16, 2021| Toronto, Canada. which revolves around the theme" Perceptions for enhancement in Psychiatry, Psychology and Mental Health.”.

We are thrilled to bring together a community of individuals dedicated to transforming the health in a different way. Annual Congress on Psychiatry and Mental Health (Psychiatry 2021) is  more than a conference, which has something for everyone from the science in the field of psychiatry . As a community of natural healer’s and healthcare providers, we know that we need to mobilize and be the change we want to see in the medical era.  It is our opportunity to connect with the people involved in this from all over the world to learn the latest information on the Psychiatry. This International Conference will provide a platform to budding researchers share their thoughts and experience towards the betterment of the quality of life.

Let us gather and share our knowledge and experiences in the Psychiatry and mental health for the betterment of the quality of life of our fellow humans.



About Conference

Conference Series LLC Ltd is one among the major open access platforms which organizes a series of 3000+ International Events with 800+ international conferences every year across USA, Europe, & Asia. With a great support from 1000+scientific societies, world renowned scientist, Noble Laureates, scholars and students, we have reached 25 million professionals and corporate entities all over the globe.

With a great pleasure we proudly present “Annual Congress on Psychiatry and Mental Health” during Febraury 15-16, 2021| Toronto, Canada. Conference mainly focuses on PsychiatryPsychological syndromes and therapies with the theme Perceptions for enhancement in Psychiatry, Psychology and Mental Health".

Annual Congress on Psychiatry and Mental Health is an annual meeting of renowned Psychiatrists as well as Psychological committees. This conference is primarily focused to discuss the future of the Psychiatry, mental health, advancements, therapy and issues we are facing in the field of Psychiatry with mutual collaborations and organizational development.

Why to attend?

Our aim is to make Annual Congress on Psychiatry and Mental Health is a great success with world class talks & discussions by top Psychiatrists as well as metal health committees. With a great support from distinguished academicians in the field of Psychiatry, Public Health professionals, Mental Health Professionals, NGO Workers, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, Psychiatry researchers, we are featuring many exciting academic programs including multiple panels, workshops, affinity group lunches, paper presentations, and scientific sessions by reputed psychiatrists from all over the world which makes our conference the best of other psychiatry conferences.

World Congress on Psychiatry Highlights includes:

  • Keynote sessions by eminent and renowned researchers

  • Outstanding speaker sessions

  • International accredited certificates

  • All accepted abstracts for this Conference will be published in the respective International Journals

  • Abstracts will be published with DOI number by Cross Ref

  • Registrants will get 75% abatement on manuscript publication fees

  • Speaker and Abstract pages created in Google under your name will attract worldwide acknowledgment to your profile and research and it will be visible to 35K researchers across the globe

  • Special recognition for Young Researchers

  • One on One Meeting with top Psychiatrists

  • Symposia and Workshop sessions by distinguished Psychiatrists

  • Meetings with Top Industrial Representations

  • Special awards for Speakers and Poster Presentations

  • Group Registration benefits

We warmly welcome your presence among other eminent speakers..!!!


Market Analysis

Mental Health Research & funding opportunities globally:

Mental disorders represent 14% of disease around the world; yet they get a normal of just 50% of one percent (0.5%) of wellbeing spending in low-salary nations (WHO ATLAS 2011). In addition, seventy five percent (73%) of the cash spent on emotional wellness by national governments is spent on psychiatric clinics, instead of on community care.

The United States was the biggest maker of psychological well-being research, with 36 percent of all papers having no less than one US-based author. The United States was likewise home to 31 percent of the research funders distinguished, with the most unmistakable being associations and offices inside the national government. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) were the main two funders by and large, yet other research funders, for example, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute on Aging, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, likewise included in the main ten worldwide funders.

Despite government funders supporting the most papers (being referred to on 67 percent of the papers with subsidizing affirmations), we found that charities, foundations, and not-for-profit organizations were recognized as the division with the biggest number of research funders, speaking to 39 percent of the funders recognized by scientists in general. This segment was a blend of little and new charities and foundations and larger, more well-established organizations, for example, the Brain and Behaviour Research Foundation (charity in the United States) and the Welcome Trust (in the United Kingdom).

A portion of the bigger associations did not have emotional well-being as their essential financing zone however was all the while subsidizing significant measures of psychological well-being research. One such case was the British Heart Foundation, charity in the United Kingdom that intends to handle coronary illness. Curiously, psychological wellness inquiries about papers that recognized the help of philanthropies, establishments, and not-revenue driven associations had a tendency to have a somewhat higher reference affect than those recognizing different segments.

In specific cases, obviously, examine papers had co-affirmations (papers with more than one subsidizing affirmation). The example of co-affirmation firmly lined up with national limits, so this proposes there was degree for more worldwide subsidizing joint efforts. Through examining mental health–specific terms on the papers, we recognized eight subjects’ bunch for psychological wellness explore. The biggest three subjects were neurodegenerative and comprehension issue; depressive, tension, and identity issue; and substance utilize, and addictive disarranges. Together, papers on these points involved 61 percent of all papers that included psychological wellness terms.

Nearby the mapping work, we additionally profiled thirty-two of the recognized psychological wellness inquire about funders in detail. The examination uncovered that few funders had express meanings of psychological well-being, with our report proposing that creating unequivocal definitions that could permit the correlation and talk of research portfolios would be important in helping funders make sense of what different funders are supporting. Funders secured by the point by point profiles recognized a scope of difficulties to emotional wellness inquire about including the differences of the field, the trouble for funders in keeping up ebb and flow subsidizing levels for look into, and the interpretation of research into training. Funders additionally distinguished a scope of chances including enhancing joint effort inside the field for both scientists and funders, profiting by government needs, and building up a key part for nongovernment funders in characterizing long haul examine plans.

This report has given a remarkable framework of the flow condition of play for psychological well-being research subsidizing around the world, which will be useful in tending to the enormous difficulties of emotional sickness, particularly the test of how to treat it. The size and differing qualities of emotional wellness explore is huge; however, it remains an inexactly characterized field in which funders tend not to explain what considers psychological well-being. It is trusted that the examination will give an imperative venturing stone to emotional well-being funders wishing to recognize potential teammates and propel the exploration they support to a wide group of onlookers.

Market Growth of mental health research in the last and upcoming ten years

North America has the greatest market for mental health programming, anticipated by Europe. As per BBC investigate the worldwide market for drugs regarding mental disorders was esteemed as $70.1 billion in 2012 and is evaluated to have declined marginally too about $69 billion in 2013 and by 2018 it points the market development around to $77.1 billion.

Target Audience:

Academia     50%

Industry        20%

Clinicians      20%

Others          10%

Top 12 Psychiatric Hospitals

  1. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
  2. McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts
  3. New York–Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell, New York City
  4. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
  5. Menninger Clinic, Houston, Texas
  6. Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, Baltimore
  7. Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at the University of California-Los Angeles
  8. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
  9. Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Massachusetts
  10. Yale–New Haven Hospital, Connecticut
  11. UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  12. University of California, San Francisco, Medical Center

Some of the top Universities associated with Mental Health research

  1. University of Toronto
  2. University of Glasgow
  3. Columbia University
  4. Duke Global Health Institute
  5. Indiana University
  6. University of Edinburgh
  7. University of Washington
  8. McGill University
  9. University of Melbourne
  10. University of Sydney

Societies and Associations around the Globe

  1. Active Minds
  2. American Association of Suicidology
  3. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
  4. Brain and Behaviour Research Foundation
  5. Centre for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
  6. The American Psychiatric Association.
  7. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
  8. The National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems.
  9. The National Alliance on Mental Illness.
  10. American Psychological Association.
  11. The Joint Commission.
  12. Parity Implementation Coalition.
  13. Other National and International Organizations

Antipsychotic drug producing companies in the world are:

  1. AstraZeneca
  2. Universal Health Services Inc.
  3. Johnson & Johnson
  4. GlaxoSmithKline
  5. Pfizer
  6. Eli Lilly

Why to attend

  • Evaluate your current research and share your ideas with experts on psychiatryand Mental Health.
  • World-class platform to Exhibit your products, services, innovations & Ideas
  • Special Workshop/ Symposium, B2B, and interactive sessions, with industry Sponsors and Exhibitors
  • More than 30 presentations from both Industry and Academic
  • Well organizing the program with 5+ hours of networking sessions
  • Interactive panel discussions and Q&A sessions
  • One to one interaction with eminent scientists, Industry Leaders, Researchers
  • Lively Exhibition area filled with the leading industry solution providers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 15-16, 2021

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience Journal Clinical Psychiatry and Cognitive Psychology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by